主題:eclipse 在線調試 共有44494人關注過本帖 |
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eclipse 在線調試 Post By:2016-7-27 15:05:00 [只看該作者]
用eclipse 編譯step2_serialtest這個項目,編譯通過,想在線調試時出現錯誤提示。
warning: A handler for the OS ABI "GNU/Linux" is not built into this configuration of GDB. Attempting to continue with the default i386 settings. Debug As子菜單子有一個選項Local c/c++ Application(不知道和這個有關么?)
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hzc |
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Post By:2016-7-27 16:04:00 [只看該作者]
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客人 |
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Post By:2016-7-27 19:08:00 [只看該作者]
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hzc |
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Post By:2016-7-28 10:07:00 [只看該作者]
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